Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You Won't Be Able to Logically 'Problem Solve' Your Wife Back

What is preventing you from saving your marriage?

Whether your wife has already left and you've separated, or divorced, or she has at least expressed interest in leaving, what is it that has kept you from reviving your relationship and marriage to its former glory?

It's not your fault that you can't get your wife back, it's the systems that you've been taught for functioning inside of a relationship and a marriage. They're wrong...Dead wrong.

See, there's one critical problem that you're not dealing with, and because you're not dealing with it you're crippling your marriage and any hope of your wife coming back.

So, what is it?

What is REALLY keeping you from getting your wife back?

You're sinking yourself too low.

That's it! That's what you're doing wrong. You are, either consciously or subconsciously, making yourself into a WEAKER MAN; that is NOT the way to get your wife back.

Again, it's not your fault, it's just what men in the 21st century have been taught to do. We're all living out The Tragic Story of "The Good Husband".

You've Probably Read Long Books on Marriage and Relationships

The marriage-help industry is rife with misinformation, and there are literally thousands of books out there on the subject of relationship revival. Unfortunately for you, most of them were written by women, for women. This means that the information inside of them may make sense, but it's not correct.


Because you have to remember, and let this be ingrained in the back of your mind, that women do NOT operate on logic.

You've Probably Worked Through In-Depth Courses or Coaching Programs

There are many people out there who know that they can charge you $X,XXX for marriage help, because they know that you're desperate and willing to pay anything to get your marriage back.

Remember "The Good Husband" (inside The DOs & DONTs to Get Your Wife Back)? He's willing to do anything and everything to get his wife back because he is nothing without his wife.

The problem with this is that, once again, all of these courses and coaches don't really know what they're talking about. Everything they teach you is pure, unproven theory, and even though it may make sense while you're carrying out the course, once you get home and actually start putting things into practice you'll rarely, if ever, find your marriage actually improves.

Why Do None Of These Work?

There is one simple reason that books, courses, coaches and counselors won't save your marriage. It's actually quite obvious, and once I explain it to you, you'll probably slap yourself on the forehead for not seeing it this way before. I've already sort of hinted at the problem, but I'd like to lay it out for you plainly now...

The reason that coaching programs, long books and marriage counselors all have no effect on your marriage is because...

Women DO NOT operate on logic. It has NO effect on their decisions.

Instead - and listen carefully to this - women rely entirely on emotion and present feelings to drive their actions.

What this statement means for you is that even if you were to get the best marriage counselor in the world and spend 10 sessions with him/her and finally get to a point where you and your wife both understand what needs to happen to save the marriage...Even after all that, it would take less than 10 minutes for your wife to do a complete 180 once she gets a different 'feeling', and then you're right back where you started.

Because as soon as your wife gets home from and FEELS like she could do better, FEELS like she's not happy, FEELS like there's no spark, that instantly takes precedence in her mind over the hours and hours of counseling. No matter how silly it sounds, she will always put her feelings and emotions ahead of her logic and reason.

It's not sexist, it's not chauvinistic, it's just the way it is.

Guys have their own set of unique characteristics too, trust me, but since this isn't we're not too concerned about that right now.

So once you understand that logic, reason, communication, 'working at it', etc, aren't going to save your marriage, what can?

The answer is simple: ATTRACTION is the ONLY thing that will save your marriage.

Think about it, if your wife was attracted to you would she want to leave? No, of course not. So, the key to saving your marriage is, in one word, ATTRACTION. If you can get your wife to FEEL attracted to you, she will stay.

Sound tough?

It isn't, you just need a road map of how to make it happen. My recommendation is that you claim your own copy of The DOs & DONTs to Get Your Wife Back by entering your email address in the sidebar. However, if you want something that is guaranteed to work, I can't recommend a better resource than this one:

Of course, either way you decide to go from here is fine with me...I just want you to be happy! You're free to browse around some more on, or whatever you'd like. I wish you the best of luck, and...

Thanks for reading! Find more free, fun to read guides on my Husband Help Blog

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