Saturday, March 31, 2012

Struggling to Talk To Your Wife Now that She's Leaving?

If you are like most men, then when your wife told you that she wanted to leave, it left you with one feeling above all:


And yeah, sure, maybe a little bit of anger to… But I'm willing to bet that if you really stop for a second – take a deep breath – to examine yourself (at your own risk!) that you would find that the root of all that anger you're feeling right now is actually…Fear.

Maybe it's fear of the unknown.

Maybe it's fear of facing yourself.

Maybe it's fear of loss or rejection, or maybe even fear of being alone for the rest of your life.

The fact is that it doesn't really matter what you're afraid of right now, as long as you recognize that fear is at least playing a small part in the way that you're thinking right now. But guess what?

Fear Isn't Going to Stop You From Getting Your Wife Back

It's not going to keep you from knowing how to talk to your wife to get her back, and it's not going to keep you from a happy marriage, much less a happy life.

Fear is just that… Fear. Like what FDR said during the Great Depression…

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

So, take a deep breath, try to be objective about the situation you're in right now so that you can learn what to do and not let your emotions/fear incorrectly guide you. As you continue reading this article I'm going to talk to you about what to say to your wife when she says that she's leaving.

3 Tips to Talk to Your Wife When She's Leaving

#1. You Have 2 Ears and Only 1 Mouth

Many people hear me say this and mistakenly think that the only thing I'm trying to say is that listening is twice as important as speaking. While I do believe it is true, it also has a slightly deeper meaning.

The alternative meaning to this statement is that in every conversation there are two things you need to hear, and only one thing you need to say. You need to hear what your wife is saying and you need to hear it well enough that you understand it fully. Then, you need to respond politely and accordingly (this is the speaking). But then it goes further, because we all are guilty of miscommunication sometimes. So, it's also important that you hear what YOU are saying so that your communication is effective and you can really talk to your wife.

So yes, listening is twice as important as speaking, and you use your ears and understanding twice as much as you use your voice and your communication. Does that make sense?

#2. Stay Strong in Front of Your Wife

This is something that very few men get right, because it is actually surprisingly difficult to do. This isn't saying that you can't have emotion in front of your wife, or that you can't express yourself emotionally in front of your wife, or even that you can't cry in front of your wife.

What it is saying is this:

You should never, ever, EVER beg your wife to stay with you.

While you shouldn't be emotionally cold, you should maintain your dignity. This is very important, and it is part of being a man/husband/leader.

#3. Always Keep Your Focus on the Real Goal

Many men come to me and ask, "How do I get my wife back," or "How do I save my marriage," or even "How do I get my wife to love me again?"

These are all the wrong questions, because they're focusing on the wrong goals. Your goal right now is very, very simple:

You need your wife to WANT you again.

Think about that statement for a second… Really let it sink in. I'll say it one more time:

You NEED your wife to want you again.

There are three very important words in this statement...Need, want, again.

You NEED your wife to want you again because there is no other way to truly save your marriage, and conversely when your marriage is truly back on track your wife will want you.

You need your wife to WANT you again because if your wife doesn't want you then she will not stay with you, plain and simple. No amount of marriage counseling, marriage help books, or 'figuring stuff out' is going to have any impact on whether she stays or goes.

You need your wife to want you AGAIN because there has been a time in the past when your wife wanted you in this way, and you need to find out how to reawaken it.

Do you see?

This IS the way to rekindle passion in your marriage, and this is how you can end your wife's desire for separation:

Make Her Desire Something Else More...You

Now, I know that you have a few questions left on exactly how to get your wife to WANT you. Don't worry, this is normal! Unfortunately, this article wasn't written as an encyclopedia on how to get your wife back, it's just 1 single article.

So here's what I want to do for you...

Find Out Why She's Leaving - 9 Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Alternatively, if you would like more information on communication with your wife while your marriage is on the rocks, then I think I know what will help you. Check out this article I wrote about how to convince your wife not to leave.

Either way you decide to go from here, I would like to sincerely thank you for reading this article and I hope that everything works out and you can get through this separation.

With Much Manly Love,
- Jacob Elichmann @

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Here's Why Open Communication Won't Get Your Wife Back No Matter What

Do you find yourself facing marriage problems with your wife? Does it seem like you just can't get on the same wavelength, or that no matter what you do or say your wife still isn't satisfied with your marriage?

If so, then this article was written for you. As you continue reading we're going to bust one of the most common myths that you will hear regarding how to get your wife back. Can you guess what it is? The title pretty much says it all…

Open Communication is Not a Magic Marriage Solution

The first thing most husbands hear when they try to talk to a friend or counselor about their problems is that they need to "improve communication" within the marriage. Does this sound familiar to you?

Have you heard that better communication will help fix the current problems in your marriage?

If so, you have been lied to. This extremely common piece of advice sounds like it should work, but in practice it doesn't do a whole lot. I have heard of very few women and even fewer marriages that have been repaired because of better communication… What about you?

Plus, open communication isn't that hard… If that's all that it took to fix a marriage, do you honestly believe that we would have a ~50% divorce rate in America today? Do you think that 50% of husbands are too dumb to say exactly what's on their mind to their wives?

I think not.

Why Doesn't Open Communication Work?

Honestly, I would be willing to bet a large sum of money that it was a woman who originally came up with this idea. It seems like a classic example of a "by women, for women" piece of advice.

See, better communication sounds like a logical piece of marriage advice… It sounds like it should work. I mean, all the healthy marriages that I know of also have very healthy communication between the two spouses. Therefore, shouldn't practicing better communication also make your marriage better?

Well, in a perfect world, maybe. However, let me explain why this doesn't work by giving you an analogy…

Maintaining Your Car is Like Maintaining Your Marriage

If you take good care of your car – regular oil changes, tire rotations, inspections, etc. – then you will rarely be surprised by an out-of-nowhere problem like engine failure or a busted transmission. The most expensive maintenance you will ever have to pay for is an oil change, otherwise your car will generally stay in good condition. Rarely will any problems arise because you've been a good owner and had the car regularly maintained.

Okay? So if you take good care of your car, it runs more smoothly for a lot longer. We all agree.

But, let's look at the other side...

If you take bad car of your car – basically just driving it till it stops – then you will find that your car troubles become exponentially more frequent AND more expensive. If you run your car into the ground because you failed to keep up with regular maintenance, then it's going to take something a lot more expensive than an oil change to keep it running. You may need a completely new engine, transmission, or something else expensive that you wouldn't otherwise have had to pay for for a long, loooooong time.

So, do you see the two scenarios here?

In a good marriage, open communication is sort of like the regular maintenance… If you keep up with it, then you will rarely have problems, and those you do have will be resolved easily and quickly. However, if you fail to keep up with that regular marriage maintenance it will take a lot more than simple communication to get things running again.

Does that analogy makes sense? In other words...

Open Communication Works for Happy Marriages, Not Yours

If your marriage is on the rocks right now, and if you're here reading this article then it is, open communication is not going to be enough to fix your marriage or end separation. No matter how clearly you're able to communicate with your wife, you will be unable to change the way she feels about you or staying in the relationship.

So the question is: What should you do instead?

You need to change the way your wife feels about you… You need to make her feel attracted to you, to want you, to crave being with you. This is going to require a more dramatic change than open communication. You're going to have to become the good husband that you used to be.

I know you still have some questions about getting your wife back, so this is what I'm going to recommend you do...

Recommended: 9 Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Of course, there are a couple of other articles for you to read on this very website, so you should go ahead and bookmark this page and come back to it anytime to find what's new on Husband Help Haven.

Whatever you do, thanks for reading!

With Much Manly Love,
- Jacob Elichmann @ HusbandHelpHaven

PS - You can find more articles just like Open Communication Won't Save Your Marriage at my website for men in need of guy-to-guy marriage help.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Struggling to Talk To Your Wife Now that She's Leaving?

If you are like most men, then when your wife told you that she wanted to leave, it left you with one feeling above all:


And yeah, sure, maybe a little bit of anger to… But I'm willing to bet that if you really stop for a second – take a deep breath – to examine yourself (at your own risk!) that you would find that the root of all that anger you're feeling right now is actually…Fear.

Maybe it's fear of the unknown.

Maybe it's fear of facing yourself.

Maybe it's fear of loss or rejection, or maybe even fear of being alone for the rest of your life.

The fact is that it doesn't really matter what you're afraid of right now, as long as you recognize that fear is at least playing a small part in the way that you're thinking right now. But guess what?

Fear Isn't Going to Stop You From Getting Your Wife Back

It's not going to keep you from knowing how to talk to your wife to get her back, and it's not going to keep you from a happy marriage, much less a happy life.

Fear is just that… Fear. Like what FDR said during the Great Depression…

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

So, take a deep breath, try to be objective about the situation you're in right now so that you can learn what to do and not let your emotions/fear incorrectly guide you. As you continue reading this article I'm going to talk to you about what to say to your wife when she says that she's leaving.

3 Tips to Talk to Your Wife When She's Leaving

#1. You Have 2 Ears and Only 1 Mouth

Many people hear me say this and mistakenly think that the only thing I'm trying to say is that listening is twice as important as speaking. While I do believe it is true, it also has a slightly deeper meaning.

The alternative meaning to this statement is that in every conversation there are two things you need to hear, and only one thing you need to say. You need to hear what your wife is saying and you need to hear it well enough that you understand it fully. Then, you need to respond politely and accordingly (this is the speaking). But then it goes further, because we all are guilty of miscommunication sometimes. So, it's also important that you hear what YOU are saying so that your communication is effective and you can really talk to your wife.

So yes, listening is twice as important as speaking, and you use your ears and understanding twice as much as you use your voice and your communication. Does that make sense?

#2. Stay Strong in Front of Your Wife

This is something that very few men get right, because it is actually surprisingly difficult to do. This isn't saying that you can't have emotion in front of your wife, or that you can't express yourself emotionally in front of your wife, or even that you can't cry in front of your wife.

What it is saying is this:

You should never, ever, EVER beg your wife to stay with you.

While you shouldn't be emotionally cold, you should maintain your dignity. This is very important, and it is part of being a man/husband/leader.

#3. Always Keep Your Focus on the Real Goal

Many men come to me and ask, "How do I get my wife back," or "How do I save my marriage," or even "How do I get my wife to love me again?"

These are all the wrong questions, because they're focusing on the wrong goals. Your goal right now is very, very simple:

You need your wife to WANT you again.

Think about that statement for a second… Really let it sink in. I'll say it one more time:

You NEED your wife to want you again.

There are three very important words in this statement...Need, want, again.

You NEED your wife to want you again because there is no other way to truly save your marriage, and conversely when your marriage is truly back on track your wife will want you.

You need your wife to WANT you again because if your wife doesn't want you then she will not stay with you, plain and simple. No amount of marriage counseling, marriage help books, or 'figuring stuff out' is going to have any impact on whether she stays or goes.

You need your wife to want you AGAIN because there has been a time in the past when your wife wanted you in this way, and you need to find out how to reawaken it.

Do you see?

This IS the way to rekindle passion in your marriage, and this is how you can end your wife's desire for separation:

Make Her Desire Something Else More...You

Now, I know that you have a few questions left on exactly how to get your wife to WANT you. Don't worry, this is normal! Unfortunately, this article wasn't written as an encyclopedia on how to get your wife back, it's just 1 single article.

So here's what I want to do for you...

Find Out Why She's Leaving - 9 Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Alternatively, if you would like more information on communication with your wife while your marriage is on the rocks, then I think I know what will help you. Check out this article I wrote about how to convince your wife not to leave.

Either way you decide to go from here, I would like to sincerely thank you for reading this article and I hope that everything works out and you can get through this separation.

With Much Manly Love,
- Jacob Elichmann @

Friday, March 16, 2012

Do You Know Why Your Wife is Leaving You?

"I know my wife wants to leave our marriage, but I don't know why. If I knew what the problem was then I KNOW I could fix it - I'm willing to do anything for my wife! But everything I've tried so far seems like it's only made it worse. Please help me find out the real reason my wife wants to leave!"

Are you afraid that your wife doesn't love you anymore? Are you worried that the distance between you and her has grown too great to repair?

Perhaps your wife has already told you that she wants to leave – that she's tired of the marriage – and it has left you wandering helplessly through a confusing storm of emotions with no idea how to move forward, much less try to repair your marriage!

Well, today I would like to help make things clearer for you. As you continue reading this article you're going to find out the REAL reason why your wife wants to leave your marriage.

Basically, I'm going to walk you through a series of five questions that you need to ask yourself that will help you to paint a marriage-roadmap of how to proceed. What I'm going to teach you  will help you learn how to convince your wife not to leave.

Sound good to you?

I'm to go through five questions need to ask yourself, and whether or not you write down the answers, you should at least answer honestly in your own head. Make sure you take a second with each question to REALLY think about it.

#1. How Long Has the Distance Been Growing?

Between you and your wife, that is. I want you to honestly reflect on the past weeks, months and even years, and tell me really and truly... How long have you and your wife been growing apart?

When was the last time your marriage was completely free of major problems?

When was the last time your marriage actually felt like a warm and loving relationship instead of a cold, distant battlefield or an oppressive prison of despair?

I want you to honestly take a minute or two and reflect on the journey your marriage (and separation) has taken you through, and how you've gotten to where you are right now.

Go ahead, I'll wait...

Okay! Let's get to question #2...

#2. Have You Neglected Your Wife in Any Way?

Now before you clam up and get all defensive on me, just hold on one second...

I know that 'neglect' sounds like a very terrible word and not one that you want to associate yourself with, but remember that neglect can come in many forms… In fact, you may not even realize that you're guilty until you take time to look in hindsight. And that's what I want you to do now… Reflect, again, on the past few months of your marriage.

Really try to put yourself in your wife's shoes; can you see areas of your marriage where she may have felt neglected because of something you did or didn't do?

Here's another way of finding the answer to this question…Think back to the vows you made at your wedding. Have you upheld every single one of those vows?

If you're like most husbands, then the answer is that you have failed in at least one or two of these perspectives.

Again, none of this necessarily makes you a bad person, it just means that you have room to grow as a husband. That's a good thing – it means you have HOPE! What would be worse is if we couldn't figure out the problem and there was nothing you could do to save your marriage, right?

#3. Have Your Common Interests Drifted Apart?

While it's not true that you need to marry someone that shares all of your interests to have a happy marriage, it is true that you need to have at least a few things in common. I want you to reflect back to BEFORE you and your wife got married…

  • What things drew the two of you together?
  • What was it they gave you your initial chemistry?
  • What lit that first spark?

Now, I want you to think about your marriage now…

Where are those common interests?

Where is that chemistry?

What happened to the things the two of you used to do together?

While it's true that we as people will always be growing and changing who we are, maintaining the commonalities between you and your wife – or at least keeping them in perspective – will really help you to keep your marriage strong to the roots.

#4. Do You Know What Your Wife Wants from Life?

This question is one that I know for a fact will take some deep reflection on your part. Do NOT just say the first thing that pops in your head… Seriously take a couple minutes to think about this…

  • What are your wife's goals in life?
  • What does she want?
  • On her deathbed, what is your wife going to look back and remember fondly?

Now, how have any of these answers changed since you first got married? Does your wife want anything different out of life now than when you in her first got married?

Understanding what your wife wants out of life will make it much easier to understand her motivation for wanting to leave, and perhaps help you understand the root cause of many of the problems in your marriage. Don't underestimate the power that this question holds.

#5. How Have You Changed Since Being Married?

This is perhaps the most important question of all, which is why I've saved it for last.

What is the difference between you right now, and the you before you got married?

How have you changed physically, mentally and emotionally?

How have your life goals changed?

Most importantly, how has your wife's perception of you changed?

I want you to very carefully compare the way that you used to be around your wife to the way you are now. What are the differences in your attitude, perspective and actions? How has the way that you treat your wife changed?

By carefully reflecting on each of these questions you can achieve great insight into why your wife wants to leave. More importantly, you can gain in-depth perspective on what it will take to get your wife to STAY with you.

I know you still have a couple of questions or clarifications that you're not quite sure on...Don't worry though because that's actually normal. Don't think there's something wrong with you because you still have a couple questions left after reading this article.

This is what I would like to do for you...Check out this FREE guide:

Do You Deserve a Happy Wife?
The 9 Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Of course, I have lots of other free goodies available for you on my website. If you would like more advice on how to get your wife back when your marriage is on the rocks, then feel free to browse around.

Of course, whatever you decide to do from here I honestly wish you the best.

Good luck!

With Much Manly Love,
- Jacob Elichmann

Visit to get more free articles like The Real Reason Your Wife Wants to Leave. Of course, everything on my site is free for your enjoyment! Thanks so much for reading you guys =)

Saturday, March 10, 2012


When your wife has threatened to leave you, suddenly all the problems in your marriage begin to seem a lot more real...Nothing brings to light the stark reality of a broken marriage more clearly than an unhappy wife who has finally had enough.

As I'm sure you've also began to realize, simply recognizing the problems isn't enough to get your wife to stay. It's going to be very hard to change her mind and convince her to give your marriage a second chance.

However, as you continue reading this article that is exactly what we're going to be learning about. By the time you've read every single word here, you will know exactly what you should be doing RIGHT NOW to 180 your marriage.

You Won't Always Get Your Way

One thing that is important to get out of the way up front is that you cannot FORCE your wife to change her mind.

Understand that 99% of the time, even when your wife has threatened to divorce you, or has already separated from you, it's not too late to save your marriage. However, ultimately you cannot force her to change her mind.

This means that not every man who reads this article is going to be able to save his marriage… Not because it's impossible, just because you might not have enough time to put into effect what you're learning here.

The main purpose of making this clear to you up front is so that you don't inadvertently smother your wife and push her even further away by trying to openly force her something she's not currently open to considering.

That being said...

There is ALWAYS a Way to Get Your Wife Back

Even if you don't succeed, the way is there. As you continue reading this article we're going to be learning more about how women work and what your wife is thinking right now. You're going to learn how to convince your wife not to leave.

Your best chance of getting her back is to improve your understanding of the female sex in general...This will allow you to properly understand exactly what it's going to take to change her mind.

Trust me when I say that the fact you and your wife ever love each other enough to get married in the first place means that you have a better chance of winning her heart than any other guy...Seriously. Keep that in mind.

Don't Dwell in Regret; Look Forward With Hope

One of the biggest pitfalls I see unfortunate husbands in this situation fall into is that they spend too much time dwelling on the problems and mistakes of the past.

Men don't seem to realize that your wife isn't thinking about separation because she cares about the past, your wife is leaving you because she cares about the FUTURE!

It is a complete waste of time to worry about or regret things that you've done or said in the past. However, that doesn't mean that you can't reflect on your mistakes to learn from them – absolutely, you should! – just as long as you understand that the past isn't ultimately what's going to fix the future.

Don't let what you or your wife have done in the past keep you from a happy marriage together in the future.

The Secret to Change Your Wife's Mind and Save Your Marriage

Alright, finally to the good stuff, right?

What can you do to change your wife's mind about walking out of this marriage?

Well it's actually pretty simple… Your goal should be to make your wife WANT to be with you.

Whoa there, now I know what you're thinking… ''Duh! Of course I want my wife to want me!''

But just hold on a second… This isn't quite as obvious a solution as you think, and it certainly does not fit within the bounds of most normal marriage solutions, mostly because it doesn't set its sights on just one marriage problem.

For example:

  • Improving your communication is not the same thing as your wife WANTING you.
  • Regular date nights aren't going to have a part in making your wife FEEL differently about you.
  • Going to see a marriage counselor isn't going to reignite your wife's ATTRACTION for you.

Do you see? When you get down to brass tacks, focusing on the simple goal of making your wife WANT you is actually something that very few people do...And with divorce rates over 50% in America, I would say that breaking from the norm is certainly not a bad thing.

So, that leaves you with just one more question… How do you make sure your wife WANTS to be with you? Well, this is what I'd like to do for you:

I've prepared a free guide that will walk you through everything you need to start doing to become the type of man your wife WANTS to stay married to. Check it out:

Do You Deserve a Happy Marriage?
9 Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Of course, I've got tons of other stuff for you to read through, too, if you're so inclined. Whether you want to get your wife back, prepare for divorce, or learn the best way to show your love, I've got you covered on Husband Help Haven. Just keep scrolling below for some related articles.

Whatever you decide to do from here, thanks for reading!

With Much Manly Love,
- Jacob Elichmann

Read more articles like My Wife is Threatening to Leave Me on my website,