Saturday, March 10, 2012


When your wife has threatened to leave you, suddenly all the problems in your marriage begin to seem a lot more real...Nothing brings to light the stark reality of a broken marriage more clearly than an unhappy wife who has finally had enough.

As I'm sure you've also began to realize, simply recognizing the problems isn't enough to get your wife to stay. It's going to be very hard to change her mind and convince her to give your marriage a second chance.

However, as you continue reading this article that is exactly what we're going to be learning about. By the time you've read every single word here, you will know exactly what you should be doing RIGHT NOW to 180 your marriage.

You Won't Always Get Your Way

One thing that is important to get out of the way up front is that you cannot FORCE your wife to change her mind.

Understand that 99% of the time, even when your wife has threatened to divorce you, or has already separated from you, it's not too late to save your marriage. However, ultimately you cannot force her to change her mind.

This means that not every man who reads this article is going to be able to save his marriage… Not because it's impossible, just because you might not have enough time to put into effect what you're learning here.

The main purpose of making this clear to you up front is so that you don't inadvertently smother your wife and push her even further away by trying to openly force her something she's not currently open to considering.

That being said...

There is ALWAYS a Way to Get Your Wife Back

Even if you don't succeed, the way is there. As you continue reading this article we're going to be learning more about how women work and what your wife is thinking right now. You're going to learn how to convince your wife not to leave.

Your best chance of getting her back is to improve your understanding of the female sex in general...This will allow you to properly understand exactly what it's going to take to change her mind.

Trust me when I say that the fact you and your wife ever love each other enough to get married in the first place means that you have a better chance of winning her heart than any other guy...Seriously. Keep that in mind.

Don't Dwell in Regret; Look Forward With Hope

One of the biggest pitfalls I see unfortunate husbands in this situation fall into is that they spend too much time dwelling on the problems and mistakes of the past.

Men don't seem to realize that your wife isn't thinking about separation because she cares about the past, your wife is leaving you because she cares about the FUTURE!

It is a complete waste of time to worry about or regret things that you've done or said in the past. However, that doesn't mean that you can't reflect on your mistakes to learn from them – absolutely, you should! – just as long as you understand that the past isn't ultimately what's going to fix the future.

Don't let what you or your wife have done in the past keep you from a happy marriage together in the future.

The Secret to Change Your Wife's Mind and Save Your Marriage

Alright, finally to the good stuff, right?

What can you do to change your wife's mind about walking out of this marriage?

Well it's actually pretty simple… Your goal should be to make your wife WANT to be with you.

Whoa there, now I know what you're thinking… ''Duh! Of course I want my wife to want me!''

But just hold on a second… This isn't quite as obvious a solution as you think, and it certainly does not fit within the bounds of most normal marriage solutions, mostly because it doesn't set its sights on just one marriage problem.

For example:

  • Improving your communication is not the same thing as your wife WANTING you.
  • Regular date nights aren't going to have a part in making your wife FEEL differently about you.
  • Going to see a marriage counselor isn't going to reignite your wife's ATTRACTION for you.

Do you see? When you get down to brass tacks, focusing on the simple goal of making your wife WANT you is actually something that very few people do...And with divorce rates over 50% in America, I would say that breaking from the norm is certainly not a bad thing.

So, that leaves you with just one more question… How do you make sure your wife WANTS to be with you? Well, this is what I'd like to do for you:

I've prepared a free guide that will walk you through everything you need to start doing to become the type of man your wife WANTS to stay married to. Check it out:

Do You Deserve a Happy Marriage?
9 Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Of course, I've got tons of other stuff for you to read through, too, if you're so inclined. Whether you want to get your wife back, prepare for divorce, or learn the best way to show your love, I've got you covered on Husband Help Haven. Just keep scrolling below for some related articles.

Whatever you decide to do from here, thanks for reading!

With Much Manly Love,
- Jacob Elichmann

Read more articles like My Wife is Threatening to Leave Me on my website,

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